Naps and sleep sacks. Baby swings and car seats. A whole lot of the baby essentials have changed since Charlie Jo was born in 2017. I remember Amazon'ing the Owlet sleep sock from our hospital room because that just seemed...
It's hard to believe that I've been a Mom for a little over 11 years now. My oldest, Aubree, is on the cusp of being a pre-teen and I am not sure how I feel about it. I just keep...
Being intentional is something we really strive for and have since the beginning. When you walk into our store, we intentionally try to make you feel like family. When we plan events, we intentionally think about our customer's experience and how...
It's crazy sock day at 6 a.m. and you panic. Whhhhyyyyy? Sure, it's all fun and games until you completely forget about the 10th random accessory day at school and the only cute, clean socks are Dad's red beans and...
What's the biggest difference going from one child to two? That's a loaded question, right? And for everyone I've asked, the answers are different. Twice the love! Twice the responsibility. Twice the laughs!Twice the bedtime stories, songs, and "lay with me longer." Twice the...
As a mom of three, I get to experience different stages of life with each one of my children at the same time. This can be fun and it can be overwhelming. I surely don't have all the answers as to...
We have a lot of cousins. A whole lot. When one of them decided to get married on our grandmother's (their great-grandmother) birthday, we were thrilled. Then during the reception, the bride and groom come walking out with a birthday...
You know those people in your life that come in and out in certain stages and make you think - ok God, I hear you and I see you. This person is going to impact my life for the better. ...
What does it take to “make it happen?” What a tough question. Sometimes what it takes is so incredibly hard and draining, I wonder — what’s it all worth, really? What sacrifice is worth it and what is better off being told...
Baseball playoffs is often how Annie Claire spends her Mother's Day weekend. Kids in the dirt, cheering on the Catholic High School Bears is right where you can find her this very weekend (Go Bears!). But this year is different....
Virtual baby shower, masked up birth and quarantine baby are all a part of our dear friend, Courtney Fos's, first year of motherhood. Courtney has been a friend of Annie Claire and Chelsey for what feels like forever.....really since college, and...
What does it mean to "make it happen?" Sometimes it means you've accomplished everything on your to-do list while rocking a teething baby and sipping coffee. Other times it means you simply kept the small humans around you alive by allowing...
Of course, I'm rolling in HOT just in the nick of time with my mother's day blog post. In typical Annie Claire fashion, I'm sitting here on Saturday night typing this up while my two girls, Aubree (7) and Gracie...
On this Mother's Day weekend, I'm sitting here in a quiet house, sipping coffee, working on this blog post. Oh wait....not quiet anymore. It's 6:30 a.m. and my daughter, Charlie Jo, is like a clock. I grab her, fix a...
MamaMommy Mom Mother No matter what you prefer to be called, Mother's Day is a special time to stop and appreciate the strong women in our lives who we call on in times of need, times of growth and times of happiness. Many...
Mom is a job title with a lot of pressure. The weight of raising respectful, smart, considerate children is no easy feat. Mother's Day is a time to show the very special ladies who carry this title a little appreciation...
Mother's Day is special to us and each year we take a minute to highlight a few super cool, super amazing women around us that make it happen each and every day. From making lifelong memories to helping with homework,...
On Mother's Day last year, hand written note in hand, we shared the news with our immediate family that were were pregnant. It was much too early to tell anyone, but our excitement and nerves got the best of us. Plus...
I can vaguely remember my first Mother's Day six years ago. Geez, has it been that long?! I had Aubree in April that year, so she was a fresh 1.5 month old. Things were all so new to me, and I...
Mother's Day is special to us and each year we take a minute to highlight a few super cool, super amazing women around us that make it happen each and every day. From cheering their children on to giving advice about...
As Mother's Day quickly approaches, we love to pause and take a few minutes to highlight a few incredible women around us that make it happen each and every day. From coaching T-ball teams to serving as a taxi driver to balancing a...