
From Holiday Wear to Everyday Wear
So you have this sparkly dress right? And you don't know what to do with it now or how you should wear it now that the holidays are over. I feel like when picking out a holiday outfit, sequins are...
2014's Crazy Beginning
Is it really the last day of 2014? I can't really fathom the idea. A little under three months ago, SoSis launched and here we are planning for a new year packed with big, exciting ideas. Without your support, I...
Pop Goes the Cake Balls (pop-up shop in photos)
Last night was a whirlwind. Annie Claire and I feel like we did everything we could to make this a success. We met with Gabby at Brew Ha Ha to talk through the set-up for the night and order custom...
Popping Up at Brew Ha Ha | You're Invited to Shop!
Pop-up shops are a simple concept, right? You set up a small rack of sample clothes and accessories, offer a discount or two, give people food and a little something to sip on, and you're all set! After Annie and...
Renaissance Baton Rouge Pop-Up Event (in photos)
Well, another successful pop-up shop is in the books for SoSis! Through our two pop-ups to date, I've learned that people just love to shop, try things on, touch and feel the products we sell. I truly enjoyed meeting so...
I've Got a (Fur) Feeling
Let's talk about how obsessed I am with fur for a minute. In my opinion, every girl should have something furry in her closet. If you don't, you're just simply missing out! Whether it's a simple, neutral colored jacket or...
The Best Jacket You'll See all Year
Winter weather is upon us and it has me shivering. Yep, I'm pulling out the hot chocolate and am ready for a fire. It's true, I may be jumping the gun, but when it's this cold in Louisiana, it gives me...
Sweater Weather
It's here, y'all! Hot chocolate. Fires in the fire pit. Gumbo on the stove. Sweater weather! I'm always excited when the weather changes, but this year is special. I'm even MORE excited because of all the comfy, cute sweaters SoSis...
One Magical Night
There are times in life where you get lucky enough to surround yourself with amazing people, eat delicious food, take 1,000 photos and dance all night. It's in those little moments that you try to take a step back and...
Work with What You Got!
When Chel and I were dreaming up the SoSis concept, we really wanted to try to set ourselves apart from the many options shoppers have when browsing online. We choose to carry trendy clothes because we wanted our pieces to make...
Wedding Wear | Couple's Shower Attire
The wedding festivities are officially kicking off this weekend with a Couple's Shower being thrown for us by our family and friends. I really can't believe that I'm getting MARRIED in less than six months! It's crazy how fast time has...
Meet the New Ladies of SoSis
Pam, Capulet, Britt and Trisha want to meet you. They're the type of girlfriends that always lend a helping hand and are never too cool to carry your personal things when you need them most. Ok, ok, really, I'm just...
Almost Go time!
Well, we are ONE day away from launching this thing and I sure hope everyone loves the merchandise as much as I do!  Chel and I joke because we all know how much I LOVE to shop and I honestly...
If Not Now, When?
I don't really know when I had the light bulb moment. It may have been after spending my third weekend in a row in a corner at CC's Coffee House and really missing my lazy Sunday nap. Or, it may...
Overwhelmed & Overjoyed
Just three days after launching our Facebook page, Annie and I received 400 "likes!" Yes, 4-0-0 in just three days! And I'm so proud of all 514 of our "likes" to date. [caption id="attachment_830" align="aligncenter" width="576"] .[/caption] And we're receiving...
Continuing Annie Claire Designs While Pursuing Another Dream
A lot of great things are happening right now with Annie Claire Designs. Being featured in 225 Magazine has got to be the coolest thing so far and such a great honor.  I feel like it can only go up...
Labor Day On: Welcome to SoSis!
According to, Labor Day is an annual celebration of workers and their achievements. For most retailers, it's also a time of sales, promotions and specials where people are encouraged to spend this day off shopping and getting great deals....
MAGIC: Day Three
Ok, so today was a much better day.  I felt a lot more comfortable with how things go around here. With a good night's sleep the night before, I was ready to take on the beast they call MAGIC. I...
I Can't Hold it Back Anymore
m                      bgv g fh  c Translation:  Hello, from Gracie, my almost one year old. I walk away from my computer for one second and I have things displayed on my...
A Little About Me...
I'm convinced this all started in my mom and dad's small town flower shop. The idea of owning my own business has always been a dream. I guess having two parents who are small business owners and coming from a family...
Every Little Bit Counts
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