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Wedding Wear | Couple's Shower Attire
The wedding festivities are officially kicking off this weekend with a Couple's Shower being thrown for us by our family and friends. I really can't believe that I'm getting MARRIED in less than six months! It's crazy how fast time has flown by and I'm trying my hardest not to rush anything away.
As I think about what I'm wearing this weekend, I can't help but feel a little pressure. I mean, it's no secret, I'm not the fashionista behind SoSis - that would be my sister, Annie Claire. I'm more of the marketing/advertising/website developer wanna be. However, I wanted my attire to be so SoSis.
So, I'll be blogging about the Couple's Shower after this weekend with a full review of my ensemble. In the meantime, I thought it would be fun to share a sneak peak of some of the details I'll be wearing this Saturday.
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Everyone knows I don't wear heels. When I do, I complain about them....a lot. BUT, since this is a special occasion, I figured I could make an exception. Although SoSis doesn't currently sell shoes, these are too cute not to share with y'all. More details on these coming next week![/caption]
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You know no SoSis outfit would be complete without an Annie Claire Designs piece of jewelry. This one is NEW and is set to be released next week with my full blog post![/caption]
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Annie Claire Designs is best layered, right? These two beauties will also be worn this weekend....then released online next week![/caption]
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I'm feeling polkadots.[/caption]
And well I think that's enough for now. I can't give everything away, right?! Stay tuned for next week's post where I'll be sure to share every little detail (and tell you of this amazing new online shop where you can purchase each from). :)
Happy Tuesday!

Love this! Can’t wait to see the full ensemble and YOU! xoxo
Yayy I cannot wait to see it all together!! Love it and love you!
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