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One Magical Night
There are times in life where you get lucky enough to surround yourself with amazing people, eat delicious food, take 1,000 photos and dance all night. It's in those little moments that you try to take a step back and just take it all in. Bottle it up. Enjoy every moment.
Saturday night was one of those times.
My Godmother, aunts, uncles and friends hosted a Couple's Shower for Robert and me. I have to admit, I knew zero details which is really, really hard for me to deal with. I am just so used to helping to plan these types of celebrations. But believe me, everything was in good hands.
As I walked up the candlelit path to the front door, my heart skipped a beat. I was getting nervous. But then, I opened the door to a house full of my loving family and all was right. I walked through the toasty house, smelled the divine food and made my way outside. The back yard was gorgeous - complete with Christmas lights, white table clothes, gorgeous flowers (of course) and a photobooth. It was just magical.
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So many of our friends made the trip to help Robert and I celebrate. Some of those friends even wore SoSis! From left, we have Shelby wearing the Beautifully Blue Crochet Dress, Mallory wearing the Beautiful Disaster Dress, Annie Claire wearing the Twilight Romper, I'm wearing the Dotty Dress and Brittany wearing our Lovely in Mauve Blouse.[/caption]
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As one of the best pictures of the night, I have to blog this one to show how Annie Claire and I styled our entire ensembles (and how much we love each other, of course). Annie added maroon tights with our Twilight Romper and completed her look with black booties and Annie Claire Designs accessories. Because the temperature dropped on me, I added black tights with my open-toe gold heels and our Dotty Dress. I'm really digging the trend of tights with open-toe shoes.[/caption]
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Then, things got weird.[/caption]
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Biggest thanks to some of our crazy fun hosts for the night. Some aren't pictured, but the efforts they put into this night were simply unforgettable. Can't possibly thank them enough.[/caption]
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I just can't wait to marry this guy.[/caption]

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