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2014's Crazy Beginning
Is it really the last day of 2014? I can't really fathom the idea. A little under three months ago, SoSis launched and here we are planning for a new year packed with big, exciting ideas. Without your support, I simply wouldn't be typing these words right now - plain and simple.
To commemorate 2014, I've put together a few highlights from our first three months of business.
#1 We launched our website,! This is #1 on the list and by far our biggest accomplishment in business this year (because really how would we even exist as an online boutique without a website?). On launch day, we released a welcome video and it still kind of makes us happy even today. The bloopers to this video make us laugh....a lot.
#2 We survived our first market experience! This is a big one. When we first agreed that 2014 was our year to turn our dream into a reality, we knew we wanted to go to the best market possible - a place to find breaking trends and high-quality, affordable products. Annie Claire left for Vegas in August and blogged her way through her first market experience (much to her dismay at times). She came back with amazing products and new, long-term relationships with our first vendors.
#3 We were published.....three times! Oh yeah, that happened. And we'll make it four before 2014 is over.
#4 We launched TWO lookbooks! A first for us and we did it twice. Find Your Sparkle | December 2014 Laying Down Our Roots | October 2014
#5 We made it! Bring it, 2015.
#1 We launched our website,! This is #1 on the list and by far our biggest accomplishment in business this year (because really how would we even exist as an online boutique without a website?). On launch day, we released a welcome video and it still kind of makes us happy even today. The bloopers to this video make us laugh....a lot.
#2 We survived our first market experience! This is a big one. When we first agreed that 2014 was our year to turn our dream into a reality, we knew we wanted to go to the best market possible - a place to find breaking trends and high-quality, affordable products. Annie Claire left for Vegas in August and blogged her way through her first market experience (much to her dismay at times). She came back with amazing products and new, long-term relationships with our first vendors.

#3 We were published.....three times! Oh yeah, that happened. And we'll make it four before 2014 is over. DIG Magazine, Baton Rouge InRegister Magazine
#4 We launched TWO lookbooks! A first for us and we did it twice. Find Your Sparkle | December 2014 Laying Down Our Roots | October 2014
#5 We made it! Bring it, 2015.

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