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Continuing Annie Claire Designs While Pursuing Another Dream
A lot of great things are happening right now with Annie Claire Designs. Being featured in 225 Magazine has got to be the coolest thing so far and such a great honor. I feel like it can only go up from here and I'm committed to working towards that everyday.
I'm excited to dive into SoSis too. This time, with my sister.
SoSis is a new and exciting business venture that this entrepreneur at heart wants to jump into, along WITH Annie Claire Designs. After many years of talking about going into business together, Chel and I decided if not now, when? SoSis will launch this October carrying clothes for fashion-forward, trendsetting, game-changing women.
But don't worry. Annie Claire Designs is here to stay and will continue to be your destination for handmade accessories and unique designs. It will always be my first love and it's not going anywhere. I'm just giving this new business venture a shot too. I know my life is about to get a bit more chaotic with two businesses, two little ones and staying sane, but I don't think I could have it any other way.
SoSis and Annie Claire Designs will work hand in hand to provide trendy accessories to bold trendsetters everywhere.

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