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Overwhelmed & Overjoyed
Just three days after launching our Facebook page, Annie and I received 400 "likes!" Yes, 4-0-0 in just three days! And I'm so proud of all 514 of our "likes" to date.
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And we're receiving lots of love from insta (a social platform known for slower follower growth), with more than 150 followers!
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I've been watching our email subscribers like a hawk in the sky (thanks to Aaliyah for that sweet reference). Let me just tell y'all, there's no disappointment from this girl on how fast we're growing there.
The truth is, I'm just humbled by the outpour of love and support Annie and I have received from all of our friends. We were so nervous to finally make our idea public. We were scared to hear the many obstacles that would get in our way of success. We were scared to hurt the feelings of a few people that have contributed to our journey. We were scared to fail.
Then something hit us....drop the fear. Take the chance.
We're taking a chance, a big risk. We know this. We've been accepting the challenge for almost a year now. But before this past week, we didn't know how many of our friends would come along for the ride. Now, we're so happy to say that hundreds are a part of the first SoSis family. And you, my friends, are why we're doing all of this in the first place.
So, thanks.
Thanks for the support.
Thanks for the interest.
This is only the beginning of an incredible journey.

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