
In Love With the Chaos | Mother's Day in the Life of Annie Claire
Sleep late. Enjoy a big breakfast (that I didn't cook). Take an hour (or more) long bubble bath (uninterrupted). Relax. That, my friends, is my Mother's Day wish. Wait a minute, why are you laughing? It's a lot to ask,...
Pura Vida! A Costa Rican Honeymoon
Pura vida  is a  Costa Rican phrase that literally means pure life, full of life, this is living!, going great or real living. This month, "pura vida" is the perfect phrase to explain the fairytale I've been living in. Hello...
Meet the Model: Taylor Haynie
If you were intrigued by the beautiful blonde from our In Bloom lookbook, you weren’t alone. We wanted to find out more about the gal behind that crazy cute floral romper, so we did just that. Sistas, meet Taylor Haynie. Taylor Haynie,...
All You Need Is Love
Ever have one of those days you wish you could redo? Not because you made a terrible mistake or a bad decision, but because every part of it was a little memory you don't ever want to forget. That was...
7 Things To Do Before I Say "I Do."
March 8th will mark one year since Robert asked me to marry him (eeeek). It'll also be the day when I officially enter my "late" twenties and turn 27. When I think about this year, I think about the countless laughs, moments...
New Year, New Reasons to Make it Happen
One of my Christmas gifts from Brad is something I just have to share.  He had one of his baseball players paint a commemorative painting of what, from his perspective, represents who SoSis is today. And here's how it came out. I...
2014's Crazy Beginning
Is it really the last day of 2014? I can't really fathom the idea. A little under three months ago, SoSis launched and here we are planning for a new year packed with big, exciting ideas. Without your support, I...
Perfecting Holiday Wear
What am I going to wear for all the holiday celebrating that is about to go down? That's a loaded question to think about  as the last few days of 2014 quickly slip away. Well, I wanted to share some...
Offering Personal Delivery!
2014 is nearing an end and I personally can not believe it. The Christmas season has already pulled its usual fast one on me and I've been scrambling around picking up last minute gifts. Then I think about what I want...
Popping Up at Brew Ha Ha | You're Invited to Shop!
Pop-up shops are a simple concept, right? You set up a small rack of sample clothes and accessories, offer a discount or two, give people food and a little something to sip on, and you're all set! After Annie and...
Renaissance Baton Rouge Pop-Up Event (in photos)
Well, another successful pop-up shop is in the books for SoSis! Through our two pop-ups to date, I've learned that people just love to shop, try things on, touch and feel the products we sell. I truly enjoyed meeting so...
Popping Up Everywhere | Hosting Our First Pop-Up Shop
Picture this. I get back from a work trip out of town at around 2 p.m. Chelsey is at a big meeting at work until 7 p.m. Amazon drops off a package with an important new SoSis tool at 4...
One Magical Night
There are times in life where you get lucky enough to surround yourself with amazing people, eat delicious food, take 1,000 photos and dance all night. It's in those little moments that you try to take a step back and...
Meet the New Ladies of SoSis
Pam, Capulet, Britt and Trisha want to meet you. They're the type of girlfriends that always lend a helping hand and are never too cool to carry your personal things when you need them most. Ok, ok, really, I'm just...
Almost Go time!
Well, we are ONE day away from launching this thing and I sure hope everyone loves the merchandise as much as I do!  Chel and I joke because we all know how much I LOVE to shop and I honestly...
If Not Now, When?
I don't really know when I had the light bulb moment. It may have been after spending my third weekend in a row in a corner at CC's Coffee House and really missing my lazy Sunday nap. Or, it may...
Lady Gaga Knows
“And now, I'm just trying to change the world, one sequin at a time.” — Lady Gaga
Love what you do
I bet many of you don't  know that I once worked at McDonald's. At the ripe age of 16, I got in a fender bender and my parents made me get a job to teach me a lesson.  As much...
My SoSis Supporter
If you've read any of my previous blog posts, it's probably obvious that starting a boutique has been a dream of mine for a long, long time. So, I won't bore you with that again. One surprising thing Chel and I experienced as...
Overwhelmed & Overjoyed
Just three days after launching our Facebook page, Annie and I received 400 "likes!" Yes, 4-0-0 in just three days! And I'm so proud of all 514 of our "likes" to date. [caption id="attachment_830" align="aligncenter" width="576"] .[/caption] And we're receiving...