Portrait of a SoSis Sista: Chelsea Moreau

Without our sistas, we wouldn’t be where we are today - two years under our belt, opening our first storefront. We decided it’s time for us to turn the spotlight onto the women who make SoSis what it is. We want to celebrate our amazing customers and showcase just how sweet being a SoSis sista is.

Annie Claire and I sent out some questions to a few sistas and they responded with so much love. 

First up, we have Chelsea Moreau. Chelsea has literally been supporting SoSis from the verrrryyyy beginning. Oh yes, she even came to our garage sale in August of 2014 when we first started earning money to put toward our business.

She has been a LYLAS Box subscriber since we started the concept in 2015. Every month, Annie Claire puts together a box of clothing and accessories to match Chelsea's style. The box arrives at her door on the first of the month. Chelsea tries on everything, keeps what she likes, sends back what she doesn't - all at no cost to her. We're happy to say she's kept her entire box for a few months now and that makes us so happy. For customers like Chelsea, we are incredibly grateful. 

Chelsea has also been to our first and second birthday parties. In this post are pictures from both - how cool is that? Only problem is, I have to stop and think before spelling her name :) But that's ok - this Chelsey with a "y" loves this Chelsea with an "a." 

So sistas, meet Chelsea and hear why she chooses to shop with SoSis. 

SS: What do you do (career, student, etc.)?
CM: Capital Area Go Red For Women Director at the American Heart Association | American Stroke Association.

SS: How did you first hear about SoSis?
CM: Through Facebook. I met and became friends with co-founder, Chelsey, in 2009. We met through a club on LSU's campus, PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America). I found out about SoSis when Annie Claire and Chelsey had a garage sale, promoting it on Facebook, to help launch their business. Honestly, I've always been pretty envious of Chelsey's style so I was super excited to hit that garage sale. I brought a few friends with me and we've been SoSis supporters ever since.

SS: What is your all-time favorite purchase from SoSis?
CM: Currently, my favorite purchase is the Cara Suede Leggings. I got them in my LYLAS box and absolutely love them. It's not something I would ever pick out for myself so it was a great choice by the SoSis team.

SS: What keeps you coming back to SoSis?
CM: Great customer service and quality clothing.

SS: Has SoSis impacted your everyday style?
CM: Honestly, SoSis has given me a style. Previously, my wardrobe was mostly hand-me-downs from my mom and my best friends. I would piece together things that did not fit right or didn't quite go together... because they weren't originally bought for me. I never felt like I had my own style before SoSis. I look forward to get my LYLAS box each month as I know these items were handpicked for me.

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