Louisiana Strong

In Louisiana, we are (sometimes) prepared for hurricane season. We can handle when river water rises because of ice melting in the north. Heck, we can even handle 100% plus humidity for the majority of the year. But, nothing could have prepared our state for this Historic Flood of 2016. 

As Annie Claire and I packed our bags for Las Vegas, where we have had a trip to MAGIC Market Week planned for months, our hearts were heavy as the rain steadily came down over our home state.

Thursday night - rain. 
Friday - rain. 
Saturday - rain.
Sunday - rain.

It's a weird feeling leaving your home not knowing how it will fair by the time you come back. My house is in a flood zone and there is water covering all streets and creeping up my driveway. We have a fort of sandbags covering our garage and front door and are really hopeful for the best outcome. 

Others haven't been so lucky. So many of our friends have water inside their homes and feel helpless. Let me just say, we feel the exact same way - helpless.  

In the midst of tragedy, it is heartwarming to see our state coming together to help one another. Some using their boats to rescue those in need. Some volunteering at shelters to offer a hot meal and a hug to those affected. It is inspiring. 

So, as Annie Claire and I landed in Vegas for market, our hearts were in Louisiana. We wanted to do something....anything....from here to lend a helping hand. 

So, we've decided to donate 100% of the profits made from any sales of our LYLAS/SoSis tees to the American Red Cross, Louisiana Capital Area-West which supports the Capital Area, Acadiana and Southwest Louisiana. LYLAS stands for Love Ya Like a Sista. At this time, we truly want to show our sisters and brothers a little love. This is one small way we can do so. 

Shop all tees here and continue to help in any way you can. Interested in volunteering at a shelter? You can find all open shelters here

We will get through this, Louisiana. Together. 

1 comment

  • Caroline

    Sweet post, Chelly. Thanks for including the shelter/info link! Safe travels to you girls and love and prayers for our state. Xo.

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