Meet Our Girl: Sara Comiskey

Her golden locks are almost as beautiful as her kind and outgoing personality. This beautiful hard-hat wearing Miss Louisiana United States 2015 (oh yeah she is) was so much fun to work with when shooting our new fall lookbook.

Not only is she gorgeous in pictures, she is accomplished, outgoing, driven and fun. Thanks for spending the day, with us, Sara. You’re our girl.

So, sistas, meet Sara Blanche Comiskey. Sara, meet our sistas!
(Photos by Lacey Rabalais)

View the entire “Parking Lot Stories” Lookbook here.


Q: Where are you from?
SC: I was born in New Orleans the night before Mardi Gras! However, I've have lived in Baton Rouge for seven years now.

Q: What do you do for a living?
SC: I'm in industrial sales selling wooden and plastic pallets and skids. I wear steel toe boots, but I keep it fashionable with my hot pink hard hat.

Q: What did you want to be when you were little?
SC: I've always dreamed of being a pop star. I still have a spiral note book filled with songs I wrote throughout my childhood.

Q: If you could go back to 16-year-old you and give yourself some advice, what would it be?
SC: Don't let the opinions of others influence you so much. I was bullied all throughout my youth, and I used to dread going to school because of it. Knowing what I know now, I wish I would've enjoyed those years more.

Q: What's your favorite quote?
SC: Your beliefs don't make you a better person, your actions do.

Q: Name one thing you can't live without.
SC: Mexican food! I crave it almost everyday.

Q: What is your favorite look from the most recent lookbook?
SC: I LOVED the black pantsuit - Graced in Your Presence. It was comfortable, classy and can be paired with so much for fall!


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