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SoSis Takes on Miss USA
You may have noticed, after a few hints on Instagram, that I have been following 51 beautiful Miss USA contestants as they experience all that Baton Rouge has to offer and work to become Miss USA 2015. These young women have taken over Baton Rouge and I've been honored to cover some of their experiences while visiting our city. This opportunity is in partnership with Visit Baton Rouge and the Baton Rouge Social Media Association. After much success during Miss USA 2014, we were asked to bring back the Krewe de Crown this year.
As my Miss USA coverage comes to its tail end with the prelims tomorrow night and the pageant Sunday, I wanted to share some pictures from my Miss USA adventures so far:
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This photo was taken by The Advocate as we began our Miss USA coverage. All krewe members are not only covering the pageant on our own personal social platforms, but we are also blogging for The Advocate. View all of our posts here. [/caption]
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Hello headshot! Here I am wearing our ever-so-popular Summer Solstice Dress.[/caption]
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My first stop with the Miss USA contestants was at Mount Hope Plantation where YELP Baton Rouge brought many sweet pups up for adoption.[/caption]
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Next, all 51 Miss USA contestants were given a warm Louisiana welcome at the Old State Capitol.[/caption]
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But first, let me take a selfie. P.S. -- I. Cut. My. Hair. Off.[/caption]
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Here, four Krewe de Crown members stopped to take a picture with the president of the Miss Universe organization, Paula Shubert. She was gracious, kind and easy to rope into this. I'm wearing a soon-to-be released drop waist dress. Stay tuned for this little number![/caption]
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During all of these events, we've had a BLAST hanging out with the incredible staff at Visit Baton Rouge.[/caption]
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Next up - a swamp tour. That's right. I've never even been on one myself, but experiencing this for the first time with pageant girls was something I'll never forget. Here I am posing for a pic in our Oceanside Walk Striped Romper now on sale for $40.[/caption]
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Picture in the swamps with friends from Visit Baton Rouge and the Office of the Lt. Governor.[/caption]
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You may be seeing Miss Louisiana USA, Candice Bennatt, wearing SoSis pretty soon. Oh yeah, we sent her a package. You don't get what you don't ask for, right?[/caption]

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