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What I Know for Sure: I'm Going to Dance
Recently, on a particularly funky day, I spent my lunch break at Books-a-Million (nerd alert). That's right, I actually left my office for lunch (trying to do that more often) and moseyed into the book store, iced Chia latte in hand. I wondered the aisles for something, anything that would push me through that day. Admittedly, I am a sucker for motivational books and was looking for something short that I could read as I sat in the store.
"What I Know for Sure," a book full of advice columns featured in O Magazine, looked fun and because every page was a simple story in itself, I snatched it, sat in a corner and started flipping. Like her or not, Oprah is entertaining and her conversational style of writing is just what I needed that day. I ended up buying it.
In the book, Oprah talks about how we often get so tangled up in life by taking it too seriously, we forget to enjoy it. She says, "Ok girl, this is going to be over soon. And if you don't loosen up, you'll miss all the fun." I don't know about you, but I'm not willing to miss the fun.

Outfit details: Top: Darling Darcy Blouse | $52 Bottom: Pickin' Pineapples Shorts | $26 Necklace: Into the Night Necklace by Annie Claire Designs | $36
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