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What to Wear for Thanksgiving
It really is unfortunate how Thanksgiving gets overlooked. I mean when you think about it, it's a pretty cool holiday. It's always on a Thursday and most people have off of work the next day (unlike Christmas where you could very well be working on the 26th). It involves really good food and no pressure to find the perfect present for anyone.
Growing up, Thanksgiving was the ONE holiday where I wasn't sad when it was over. Nope, because one of the best parts of Thanksgiving to me is decorating the Christmas tree with my mom right after lunch is served. Ok ok, so one of my favorite things about Thanksgiving happens to involve Christmas. Sorry I'm not sorry.
As Turkey Day gets closer, I thought it would be fun to share some ideas of what you could possibly wear to a casual and not so casual Thanksgiving Day celebration.
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Here, Annie Claire styles our Lace Me Up Top (now on SALE) with our Olive Just USA Skinny Jeans tucked into her all-time favorite Frye boots. Throw on a leather jacket and you're all set for my kind of holiday - a casual Thanksgiving celebration where you'll be dressed comfortably enough to go for that second piece of pie.[/caption]
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Who says red is just for Christmas? I for one love the color and am obsessed with this dress. I paired simple black tights with our Lady in Red Dress to complete a not so casual ensemble for a Thanksgiving dinner that calls for a little something special.[/caption]
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Want to add something fun to a casual Thanksgiving look? Our Purely Rabbit Fur Vest is a piece we just can't get enough of. Here, Annie Claire throws it over our Lace Me Up Top (now on SALE) and our Olive Just USA Skinny Jeans.[/caption]
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And of course, don't forget the accessories. I am usually a big fan of all things cross-body, but our Sandra Clutch in black really is a staple every girl needs. I paired it with our Lady in Red Dress to pull black into the rest of my ensemble (along with my tights).[/caption]
[Insert blatant sales pitch] So, no matter where you're celebrating this Thanksgiving holiday, SoSis has everything you need to style it perfectly. :)

Awesome descriptions, and beautiful models!! That’s my girls!! Proud Mom.
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