Trying to Create a MAGIC Experience from Home
Ok, I admit it, I'm pretty dang sad that I'm not at MAGIC Market Week with my sis right about now. From the beginning, we decided that it's most efficient to send just one of us to our first market experience to save on start-up costs. And although I still believe it's the best decision for SoSis - Annie will be leading merchandising decisions afterall - I'm pretty sad I don't get to experience the chaos first-hand.
But fear not - I've found a few ways to cope and feel a little more like I'm at the event myself thanks to social media.
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Instagram is proving to be the best social platform (in my opinion) to count on for the most up-to-date information in a short format. I'm "liking" all of it![/caption]
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Following some Vloggers as they experience MACIG is proving to be fun and interactive. Fashion writers like Jeannie Mai make me feel like I'm walking in the convention center myself.[/caption]
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Who doesn't want to follow the CFDA Instagrammer of the Year? I mean I sure do.[/caption]
So that's how I'm dealing with not being AT MAGIC this week.
In the meantime, I'm here working on our full website, sorting through Google Analytics, meeting with shipping experts and more. So really, we are working double time to get SoSis ready for you.....and that makes me happy.
Next market trip, I call the window seat!

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