It’s My Birthday & I’ll Discount if I Want to!
Today I turned 28.
Yep, the big 2-8. The 20th anniversary of my golden birthday. The 2nd anniversary of getting engaged to a sweet, sweet boy. The start of my 29th year of life.
And on this day, we have a treat for YOU! Enjoy 28% off sitewide, no minimum, when you use the code SISTATURNS28 at checkout! Today only! That’s right y’all – treat yoself!
For any friends older than 28, bare with me – I know I’m being dramatic (acceptance is the first step). But on this birthday, I can’t help but see the number 3 looming over me. So, today, I’m sharing 5 things I want to do before I turn 30 — I’m giving myself 2 years to accomplish them and hope that by typing these out, you’re able to hold me accountable.
Stop criticizing my body and love it for what it is
I feel like nearly every woman I know struggles with body image. I’m not sure exactly what age it starts (for me, I think it was 8), but somehow we convince ourselves we are not enough and we must change things about our body. Don’t get me wrong – I am 100% behind living a healthy, active lifestyle, but I don’t do that for anyone but myself. I’ll try to not be my usual corny self and tell you that we are all beautiful just the way we are, but gosh can we all stop saying we’re “so fat?” I’m guilty of it and I hope to change that as I get closer to 30.
Travel overseas
I am lucky enough to have traveled to many countries in my young age (see what I did there). I’ve explored Ireland, Scotland, England, France and Italy with some of the greatest people I’ve ever met. Our experience together opened our eyes to the beauty of cultures unlike our own. Just last year, I embraced “Pura Vita” in Costa Rica with the love of my life and still get sad thinking about how wonderful it was. I want to travel more, explore more, learn more. So, hopefully before I’m 30 (give or take a year) I can check another country off of my bucket list.
Run 4 more half marathons
Like I said, running is personal. I run for me. I want to run 10 half marathons before I turn 30….that’s four more. Running buddies – keep me honest here!
Be a true mentor to someone
Through my experience at FUSE and other jobs, I’ve been lucky enough to work with so many college interns. Their passion and utter joy for everything new inspires me everyday. I try hard not to lose that same passion in myself and work hard to lead by example. However, I can do more. I want to help someone achieve their professional goal – whatever that is – by being a listening ear, a helpful hand, an encouraging word and a good friend.
Be a present friend (sister, wife, co-woker, daughter)
We all know it — our life is full of distractions. In fact, if you’re even reading this far down, I’m impressed! I struggle with stepping away from the screen and really experiencing life around me. I know this will constantly be a work in progress, but my goal is to be more present in all aspects of life.
Those 5 should be easy enough, right? Good thing I have you to keep me on track!
Don’t forget to take 28% off sitewide TODAY ONLY! Use code SISTATURNS28 at checkout. This offer cannot be combined with any other discounts. It applies to any purchase made by midnight, CST, on March 8, 2016.
In honor of St. Patrick’s Day coming up, check out these new arrivals for a green celebration!

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